I have been very bad.
Bad about blogging is one thing- the amount of time I have to do anything varies from day to day, so there is no guarantee I'll have time to sit here and blog. Knowing that, I don't feel too bad about a long delay (although my last post was a year ago tomorrow, ugh).
Instead, I have been bad about purchasing.
I got back into card gaming after a many year delay due to Fantasy Flight Games' LCG line. The ability to play Warhammer: Invasion where all the cards were easily accessible was just too incredible to pass up. In addition, every LCG produced was just another game I could play and love. Then other companies (Alderac, Upper Deck) started noticing how great this was, and put out their own games. Of course, I had to get those too. During this time, I also played Legend of the Five Rings, from AEG, a game I loved 20-ish years ago when it first came out.
Of course, none of these were a problem. The costs have been reasonable, and the releases are fairly infrequent. Indeed, any delays actually help me- I always have a lot of cards available to me at any given time anyway.
What was really bad was when I started picking up old CCGs.
At first, it was just the Star Trek CCG, 1st Edition. Then, of course, I discover there is a 2nd Edition, which means I get more cards (and much to my joy, there's a continuing committee releasing new expansions for these games!). Then, I decide to get Babylon 5. Then I think back to all the other CCGs I played... and get them as well.
After buying a bunch of these (and not really having many opponents), I looked for a new game that I would actually be able to play. And ended up buying Magic again.
Although I love Magic (I have played it various times in my life- Ice Age and Mirrodin were my most serious times playing it), it is a bit of an expensive game. I've been keeping it pretty casual, focusing on Commander and a sort of casual approach to Standard... but I realized what I SHOULD be doing is trying to get my other games on the table somewhere.
You see, I love all of the card games I play, each for a different reason. I want different things out of all of them. I don't want my life to be just about playing Magic, and trying to hit up the major tournaments. I am not out to make money doing this.
I want to share my love of card games with people. Be it Android: Netrunner (which there are plenty of sites and discussion out there already), or Berserk (a Russian LCG-type game), or anything in between, I hope to talk about it. With luck, someone else with my passion for these games will find something worth talking about as well.
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