Quite a few interesting card games available on Kickstarter at the moment:
DIMENSION: The First Truly Free TCG - this one caught my attention immediately, for obvious reasons. Free? TCG? That bears some looking into. And indeed, if you check out the project, this is a free game, but one they would like to publish as well. I can't fault them there (and indeed, I backed this). I haven't had a chance to print out any of the cards to try it myself, but it's definitely on the radar.
The Bible Trading Card Game - This one neither has an interesting theme for me, nor interesting gameplay, as far as I can tell. I include it on the chance this is to someone's interest.
Oligarchy: A dystopian card game - This is a straight up TCG with a starter containing 4 decks for about 29 USD, and boosters as well. There are 8 factions in the game split over 310 cards. The cards themselves feel a little crowded, but I can't at present comment on the quality of the game. It's likely I'll back it for at least some amount, and I'll make sure to discuss it once I get some (hey, I should do that for the other card game Kickstarters I've backed...).
Anyone know of any other ones on Kickstarter? If so, please let me know!
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